Nuffnang Top

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The world's OLDEST vacuum cleaner

STILL sucking after 108 years, Harry Cox owns the oldest known working vacuum.

He rescued the cleaner and accessories from a skip at work before it went to a landfill site.

Harry, at 53 less than half the age of his 1904 American -Sturtevant vacuum cleaner No.4, said: “There was a walk-in skip at the factory and I rescued it.

"I like to collect things that are getting thrown away, restore them and give them a new lease of life. It makes me feel good.”

Harry is factory production manager at paper merchant W L Coller of Greater Manchester.

Benarkah Maybank2u TIDAK selamat?

Baru-baru ini saya dikejutkan dengan kehilangan sejumlah wang di akaun Maybank saya secara tiba-tiba. Ini terjadi apabila tiba-tiba saya mendapat sms yang sejumlah wang saya ditransfer ke akaun yang tidak dikenali. Dengan itu, saya terus menelefon bank dan mengarahkan agar akaun saya disekat,saya juga telah membuat laporan polis pada masa yang sama.

Semua salinan telahpun saya beri kepada Maybank untuk tujuan siasatan. Malangnya, pihak Maybank tidak mahu bertanggungjawab diatas kehilangan duit saya dan menganggap itu kecuaian dari saya sendiri. Saya berasa amat kecewa. Buat pengetahuan semua, rupa-rupanya bukan saya seorang sahaja yang menjadi mangsa keadaan ini, ramai lagi yang hilang duit di dalam akaun Maybank yang dibuat melalui email menyatakan agar pelanggan megemaskinikan akaun masing-masing. Kebanyakan rakan-rakan yang mengalami nasib malang yang sama terdiri dari pekerja awam.


Kalau sebelum ini, YB Rim yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatan kuasa Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Melaka ditangkap polis di kelab hiburan Melaka, kini petugas majlis agama Islam pula.

Seorang pekerja rendah am Majlis Agama Islam Melaka (MAIM) dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Sesyen Melaka atas dua pertuduhan rasuah iaitu meminta suapan wang dan perkhidmatan seks daripada seorang wanita bagi menyelesaikan satu kes khalwat.

Zullias Rasid Manan, 36, dari Jalan Tun Kudu, Bukit Katil, bagaimanapun mengaku tidak bersalah ketika kedua-dua pertuduhan dibacakan di depan Hakim Ahmad Sazali Omar.

Mahkamah membenarkan tertuduh diikat jamin sebanyak RM16,000 dengan seorang penjamin dan menetapkan 27 April depan untuk sebutan semula kes.

Bagi pertuduhan pertama, dia didakwa meminta RM1,500 daripada Siti Aishah Mohd Yusoff sebagai upah untuk menyelesaikan kes di bawah Enakmen Kesalahan Syariah Negeri Melaka 1991 di Dataran Pahlawan, Bandar Hilir pada kira-kira jam 6.30 petang, 10 Januari 2010.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ayah Pin Lumpuh Diserang Angin Ahmar

AYAH PIN LUMPUH KENA ANGIN AHMAR, Kawasan perkampungan ‘Kerajaan Langit’ yang diasaskan oleh Ayah Pin atau nama sebenarnya Arifin Mohamad di Kampung Batu 13, Hulu Besut, Terengganu dilihat kembali aktif.

Malah, penduduk setempat mendakwa, rumah penduduk di ‘perkampungan langit’ itu semakin bertambah tiga kali ganda daripada 50 buah sepuluh tahun lalu kepada 150 buah kini.

Walaupun Ayah Pin pulang ke perkampungan itu dua minggu sekali atau sebulan sekali, ajaran sesat kerajaan langit disyaki masih hidup kerana kepulangan ketuanya diberi sambutan bukan saja daripada pengikutnya yang menginap di perkampungan itu, malah dari luar negeri ini.

Edisi Metroseks Lesbo : Nenek asmara ngan pengkid depan anak

KUALA LUMPUR: Sebagai wanita bergelar nenek, dia sepatutnya menunjukkan teladan baik kepada anak dan cucu, namun apa dilakukan Latifa, 46, sangat mendukacitakan anak perempuannya.

Wanita mempunyai empat cucu itu dikatakan bernafsu untuk menjalin hubungan songsang dan belaian manja dengan seorang wanita berperawakan lelaki atau lebih dikenali sebagai pengkid berusia 32 tahun.

Demi menjaga maruah dan mengelak ibunya terus bergelumang dosa, seorang daripada tujuh anak wanita berkenaan dikenali sebagai Lily, 23, mengambil keputusan mendedahkan insiden yang mengaibkan keluarganya kepada Metro Ahad dan berharap ada pihak membantu menyelesaikan kebuntuan itu.

Man Vs. Wild Goose

Every Clubs Dreams Goalkeeper

We're Come Here As A Duo, We're Gonna Stay As A Duo

Monday, March 26, 2012

My Generasi

p/s: I wanna register in RUMAH BIRU and play tali getah with that sweet girl!

The History of Data Storage

DIROGOL oleh 3 orang lelaki dan DIROMPAK di dalam TEKSI

KUALA LUMPUR 24 Mac : Seorang wanita berusia 37 tahun menempuh detik hitam dalam hidupnya apabila bukan saja disamun tiga lelaki bersenjatakan pisau tetapi turut dirogol bergilir-gilir oleh kumpulan penjenayah terbabit dalam teksi dinaikinya, kelmarin.

Dalam kejadian pada jam 3 petang berhampiran sebuah pasar raya di Kepong, di sini, mangsa mendakwa tiga lelaki merogolnya termasuk pemandu teksi berusia 30-an.

Lebih kejam, mangsa dicampak keluar daripada teksi selepas tiga lelaki durjana itu selesai melampiaskan nafsu masing-masing.

Menurut sumber, kejadian bermula apabila mangsa menahan teksi berkenaan di kawasan rumahnya berhampiran Sunway Piramid, Subang Jaya untuk pergi bertemu rakannya di Kepong.

“Ketika dalam perjalanan, pemandu teksi terbabit menghentikan kenderaannya lalu mengambil dua lelaki dipercayai rakan subahatnya sebelum meneruskan perjalanan ke Kepong.

Rumah Mawi Dirompak, Rugi RM10,000

Penyanyi Asmawi Ani atau Mawi menerima nasib malang apabila rumah banglonya di sebuah kelab golf di Bangi dekat sini dimasuki perompak bertopeng awal pagi Isnin.

Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 4 pagi itu, Mawi,31, serta tiga penghuni rumah iaitu isteri, Nora’Asikin Rahmat (Ekin),33, ibu mertua Mawi, Fatimah Saad,56, dan nenek mereka Salmah Sahar,77, telah diikat oleh empat orang perompak yang memecah masuk melalui pintu dapur rumah.

Anak mereka yang baru lahir pada 28 Februari lalu iaitu, Cahaya Malaika dan orang gaji tidak diapa-apakan.

Kembar kepada Ekin iaitu Nora’Ain Rahmat (Eein) berkata, semasa kejadian semua penghuni rumah sedang tidur sementara Mawi baru pulang dari Johor Baru selepas selesai siri jelajah Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian (ABPBH).

Street Fighter in REAL LIFE!

p/s: Capcom should put this Guy as his next Street fighter Character.

Beli Vitamin RM1000 Sebulan, Biar Anak Pandai

22 Mac 2012, KUALA BESUT - Sepasang suami isteri dari Kampung Gong Manak di sini sanggup mengeluarkan belanja RM1,000 setiap bulan semata-mata untuk membeli pemakanan tambahan bagi memastikan anak-anak mereka bijak dan berjaya.

Pasangan guru terbabit, Wan Norhashimah Wan Ahmad, 44, dan Abdullah Ya, 51, memperuntukkan sejumlah wang itu untuk pelbagai jenis makanan tambahan seperti vitamin dan makanan lain kepada lima daripada enam anaknya yang masih bersekolah.

‘Pelaburan’ mereka terbukti menjadi apabila anak kedua mereka, Fatin Hamimi pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Agama Nurul Ittifaq memperoleh keputusan 11A+ dalam keputusan peperiksan Sijil Pelajaran Malasyia (SPM) yang diumumkan semalam.

Lionel Messi Show Off his Basketball Skills

When Hollywood Celebrities Read Tweets About Themselves

And Who Said Big Man Can't Do Gymnast?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kejadian Wanita Merogol Lelaki Semakin Menjadi-Jadi Di Zimbabwe

MASHAVA, Zimbabwe – Susan Dhliwayo tergamam ketika dia memberhentikan keretanya kerana ikhlas mahu menumpangkan sekumpulan pengembara lelaki baru-baru ini tetapi mereka menolak pelawaannya.

Puncanya adalah kerana lelaki itu bimbang akan dirogol.

Zimbabwe kini digemparkan dengan laporan sensasi bahawa terdapat geng wanita cantik merogol beberapa pengembara lelaki dan meletakkan sperma mereka di dalam kondom bagi tujuan ilmu hitam.

“Sekarang ini, lelaki takut kepada wanita,” kata Dhliwayo yang berusia 19 tahun.

Menurutnya, para pengembara tidak akan menaiki kereta yang dipandu wanita kerana mereka tidak mempercayai lagi kaum Hawa itu.

Japanese CCTV camera can scan 36 million faces per second and recognize anyone who has walked into its gaze

- Biometric camera stores details of everyone who walks past it

- Stores 'library' of face info

- Can scan through 36 million faces per second searching for people

- Will be on sale to governments within next year

- The software from Hitachi Hokusai electric can scan through 36 million faces a second looking for its 'target'. The software can scan through days of CCTV footage almost instantly

A new camera technology from Hitachi Hokusai Electric can scan days of camera footage instantly, and find any face which has EVER walked past it.

Its makers boast that it can scan 36 million faces per second.

The technology raises the spectre of governments - or other organisations - being able to 'find' anyone instantly simply using a passport photo or a Facebook profile.

The famous ‘Big Man’ YouTube hit: Allan Pollock

- Look what the big man did to me! Foul-mouthed student thrown off train by passenger says HE'S the victim

- Teenage 'fare dodger' Sam Main, 19, comes forward to defend his behaviour, saying he did have the right ticket and was 'manhandled' by the 'big man'

- Student's father calls for passenger who threw him off to face assault charges

The 'fare-dodging' student who was manhandled off a train by a fellow passenger has defended his actions and claimed he was the victim in a video which has become a YouTube hit.

In water, a can of Diet Coke floats while regular Coke sinks!

The artificial sweetener in Diet Coke is hundreds of times sweeter per unit volume than regular sugar. However, the sugar in regular Coke is denser, which makes it sink. Regular Coke contains almost 11 teaspoons of sugar per can! On average, Americans ingest 10.8 pounds of sugar per person each year from drinking Coca-Cola alone.

Here are some other interesting facts about Coca-Cola products:

2 year old dancing the jive

Friday, March 23, 2012

Krishna, Indian grandmother, 78, is believed to be the world's oldest professional sharpshooter

At 78, most pensioners are reliant on the glasses to even read a newspaper.
But not Indian grandmother Chandro Tomar.

With a £1,200 pistol in hand, and her sari draped over her long silver hair, it’s believed she’s the world’s oldest female professional sharpshooter.

She has entered and won over 25 national championships across India as well as raising six children and 15 grandchildren.

INVISIBLE MAN artist pays personal tribute to 911 victims

Invisible man: Chinese artist Liu Bolin, painted from head-to-toe, stands suitably camouflaged in front of Freedom Tower, where the Twin Towers once stood, in New York. Hiding In New York, his latest exhibition, has just opened at the Eli Klein Gallery in the city

An artist known as the Invisible Man strikes again as he blends into his surroundings at Ground Zero.

Liu Bolin, from China, painted himself from head-to-toe to become suitably camouflaged in front of Freedom Tower, where the Twin Towers once stood, in New York.

The work is dedicated to the memory of those killed in America's worst terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Hiding In New York, his latest exhibition, has just opened at the Eli Klein Gallery in the city.

Jeweller's $70M diamond sparkler cut entirely from one 150-carat rock

A Swiss jewellery company has created a ring made from one enormous chunk of diamond.
Shawish Jewellery, a company based in Geneva, unveiled what they have billed as ‘the world’s first diamond ring’.

The 150-carat ring has been valued at around $70million and took one year to construct.

Cut from a single chunk of rough diamond, the ring Original designs were copyrighted and released in April of last year.

For fans who attended the project’s original announcement held in London last year, the wait must have been excruciating.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

We Have To Go Now

Insane U.S Apache Crashing in Afghanistan

Houston, we have slingshot! ANGRY BIRDS: SPACE!

Angry Birds fever is set to engulf the world today, as a new version of the most downloaded game in history goes on sale on iTunes, Android, PC and Mac.

The launch has been accompanied by a level of fanfare normally only seen around big Hollywood releases - including T-shirts, toys, TV shows on Nickelodeon, a companion book by National Geographic, and a tie-up with Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer.

Angry Birds has been downloaded 700 million times, and parent company Rovio is now estimated to be worth £5.6 billion, just two years after the game first launched.

Google Chrome beats Internet Explorer to become world's top browser for first time ever

Google's Chrome became the world's top internet browser for one day on Sunday, pushing Internet Explorer into second place for the first time.

Explorer has been the world's most popular web browser since 1999.

'While it is only one day, this is a milestone,' said Aodhan Cullen, CEO of web monitoring firm Statcounter.

Chrome did not retain its lead, however, in the statistics released by monitoring firm Statcounter.

As of this week, Explorer is in first place again.

Would you do this at McD Drivethrough?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

(VIDEO) Bhut Jolokia Chilli-Eating-Rubbing-In-The-Eyes Record

(Video) Stefan Holm Hurdles Training

p/s: That was SICK!

(Video) Terbaring hampir MATI sebab overdose DADAH di Sepang

Budak2 melayu ni buat apa2 pun mulut bising lebih. "Nah spender dia, ko bawak balik ah"

Credit: Blog Serius

p/s: Ko tengok macam mana azab bila ambik dadah. It doesn't makes you cool at all.

Would you do this for an Intel® Ultrabook™ ?

p/s: I'd sure would!

How safe are public toilets? Pervert cafe owner films 900 women in washroom

A cafe owner in Korea had installed a camera in the women's toilet. The owner, who had a criminal record, had filmed 917 customers as they went to the washroom.

The accused, Mr Lee, had been doing this from March 2011, until recently.

Mr Lee's hidden camera was triggered by a movement sensor and started recording once customers entered the washroom.

A female customer who discovered the hidden camera reported the incident to the authorities.

Mr Lee was subsequently arrested by the police, who discovered his video files, arranged according to date, on his computer.

A background check had revealed that he had committed similar offences twice before.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pokemon the REAL Movie: Apokelypse PARODY

p/s: The Pokemon looks scary. LULZ!

Road To The Avengers!

p/s: F YEAH!!!


So what’s with the BLUE STRAWBERRY??

The Blue Strawberry is a genetically modified food.

To start with, genetically modified foods are foods that are engineered through an artificial transfer (insertion or deletion) of genes; the genes usually come from different species.

Scientists have found that the “Arctic Flounder Fish” produces an antifreeze to protect itself in freezing waters.

Thus, the gene that regulates the production of the antifreeze trait was taken from the Arctic Flounder fish and was genetically introduced into the strawberry plant. As a result, a blue strawberry plant is formed.

"Perempuan" Lari dan Bogel Di Lebuh Raya!

KUALA LUMPUR: “Saya terkejut melihat rakaman dalam kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) menunjukkan seorang ‘wanita’ berambut panjang tanpa seurat benang di laluan itu sebelum keluar dari bilik kawalan untuk menyelamatkannya tetapi bila didekati, dia sebenarnya lelaki,” kata Anuar Borohan, 40, menceritakan kejadian seorang pondan bogel merayau berhampiran Plaza Tol Batu Lebuhraya Duta-Ulu Klang (Duke), di sini, semalam.

Anuar yang juga petugas bilik kawalan trafik Duke berkata, dia menerima panggilan daripada pengguna lebuh raya berkenaan yang mengadu ternampak kelibat pondan terbabit yang berbogel di Kilometer 3 arah timur, jam 1.45 tengah hari.

2 years old girl rendition of Adele-Someone Like You

Inside the enormous crumbling communist HQ Bulgaria

Sitting atop a mountain like an abandoned flying saucer, this giant structure looks like it was created on another planet.

The House of the Bulgarian Communist Party was built in another era, however, one that long ago crumbled along with the way of life it embodied.

After the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, Bulgaria moved into a new age of parliamentary democracy.

That left buildings like the House of the Bulgarian Communist Party, which perches at the top of Mount Buzludzha in the centre of the country, in a state of neglect.

It is one of a number of huge communist structures that many believe, if restored, could attract Western tourists to the region in their droves.

iPad3 QC TEST!

p/s: So iPad will not save your life neither your wallet.

Mr & Mrs Han's Liverpool-Theme Wedding

p/s: They missed the Mickey Mouse cup. LULZ!

The moment when you met with your crush

(FUNNY) Shuffle Stairs!

p/s: The dude in 1:16 saved his gf like a BOSS!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The tent you pitch in the trees designed to help survivors of natural disasters

Wood you believe it - this tent can be pitched in the trees.

The extraordinary £7,500 design has been created by a British architect and can be suspended 10ft off the ground.

The 'Tentsile' sleeps up to eight campers who climb up to the tent using a rope ladder.

Designer Alex Shirley-Smith claims it can be pitched in just 30 minutes using three trees and a ladder.

Mr Shirley-Smith, 34, from Tottenham, London, believes the tent could be used for humanitarian disasters, for example during floods or earthquakes.

Spot the Wire

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tracking the Internet Trolls

p/s: What a douche bag.

Man can't stop laughing after hip surgery

A Dutch man who underwent hip surgery two years ago has appeared in a TV interview claiming he has not been able to stop laughing ever since.

According to Huug Bosse's wife, her husband now spends his days laughing at everyone and everything and it all started when he had a hip replaced under anaesthesia in 2010.

'It appears that due to the operation, due to the anaesthesia, he was laughing more,' Mr Bosse's wife told the Dutch TV programme Man Bijt Hond as he sat roaring with laughter next to her.

While Mr Bosse did laugh before, his personality had significantly altered since the operation and he now laughed almost all the time, she claimed.

'Sometimes it starts to get really annoying all that laughing the whole day,' she said.

'When you are having a discussion and all he does is laughing, then it gets annoying.'

How Facebook could cost you your job!

Next time you start to upload pictures of nights out on to Facebook, or moan about your day on Twitter, bear in mind that you could be risking your career.

One in five bosses have rejected an applicant because of their profiles on social networking sites, according to a UK company's report on the technology industry.

Jobseekers are being warned to be far more vigilant over what they reveal online, as it could cost them that coveted role.

Even job-hunters who have passed any online screening to land their dream role should not relax.

Increasing numbers of workers have been sacked for careless social media posts - so however strong your privacy settings, take note of these cautionary tales:

The moment GIRL, 3, was THROWN from a moving U.S. FUNFAIR RIDE

- Child sustained concussion and bruising after falling from the contraption

- Rodeo organisers first claimed she tried to climb out of the ride's car

- However footage shows she slipped under at least one safety restraint

A shocking video has emerged showing the moment a three-year-old girl was hurled from a fairground ride after slipping under the restraining bar.

The child is shown with her feet in the air seconds before flying off the Techno Jump carnival ride at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in Texas, the footage has revealed.

It appears that the little girl slipped under at least one safety restraint on the ride, raising questions over how she came to fall off it.

The child suffered concussion and bruising to her face and head after she was thrown between from the moving contraption between six and eight feet above the ground.

Friday, March 16, 2012

GIANT MANTA raised from the depths off Africa by ship's anchor

There are few details, but images posted this week to a Nairaland website forum starkly illustrate a story about a giant manta being hauled aboard an oil-rig servicing ship after becoming entangled in its anchor line in the South Atlantic. The unusual catch off Nigeria's Bonny Island involves one of the largest and most docile marine species.

Giant mantas, which are found in temperate regions around the planet, can measure nearly 30 feet across and weigh more than a ton. A brief description of the catch, from a forum contributor named Pharrod, is posted between the accompanying images, and it should be noted that plankton-eating giant mantas do not possess stinging spines, contrary to what's stated in the description.

Just Another Russian Past Times

p/s: No intelligent life forms were harmed in the filming of this video...

(Game Review) Max Payne 3

Max Payne, the titular main character, has had a hard life since we left him eight years before. He has drifted along on pills and booze, and runs into an old friend from the force, Raul Passos, who invites him to come do private security in Sao Paulo, Brazil. As New York is no longer hospitable to him, Max agrees, and finds himself working private security for wealthy Rodrigo Branco, his beautiful wife, and two younger brothers.

We were dropped into the chapter where Rodrigo’s wife has just been kidnapped with a ransom of $3 million. The brothers were debating how to handle the situation in a cut scene. For fans of the original, the graphic novel-style cutscenes have been updated. They are fully rendered movies, but still retain the graphic novel flavor with kinetic text to emphasize important phrases and occasional comic-styled panels breaking up the action. The game also flirts with splashes of color that make the whole world a little more surreal, again eliciting a feeling of illustration.

’Cinematic’ is often used to describe games with great cutscenes, but our approach applies to the entire game,” a Rockstar rep said.

UEFA Champions League Draw 2012: Quarter-final and semi-final draw

Quarter-final and semi-final draw at Nyon, Switzerland - Friday 16 March 2012 11.45CET


p/s: A final between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid is a possibility given the outcome of today's Champions League draw.

Panduan Jamban

'Teardown' specialists iFixit open up the iPad HD and look at technology inside

iFixit - a site which specialises in tearing open and analysing the innards of new Apple products - flew to the Telstra store in Melbourne and were the first customers in line to buy the new iPad

A new iPad logic board is removed in Melbourne, Australia MApple Inc's new iPad went on sale in Australia early on Friday, greeted by throngs of fans hungry to get hold of the U.S. consumer giant's latest, 4G-ready tablet computer

iPad HD fever spreads round the world!

- Fans have been sleeping on the street to get their hands on Apple's latest tablet

- Construction manager grabs the first new iPad in Sydney as midnight strikes

- One man was paid £600 to wait in the queue for four days

- 'Oh my goodness - it's so beautiful' say component experts

- Tech reviewers are unanimous: The screen is a revolution

- Critics still lambast Apple's closed eco-system and lack of ports and expandable memory

Apple fans have spent days sleeping on the street waiting for the third iPad, which goes on sale at 8am today.

A queue has already formed outside the flagship Apple store on London's Regent Street as people wait to snap up the gadget when it goes on sale.
Zohaib Ali, 21, of Uxbridge, who is the first in line after queuing for five days, said: ‘The iPad is the best product of the year and there won't be any more until 2013 so I am happy to queue. I love Apple products.’

Mr Ali suffers from autism and his mother, Rahat Ali, believes that Apple products have helped him overcome his disability.

She said: ‘Apple products are very good for autism. They are very easy to use and he is relaxed when he is using them. Usually he doesn't want to go out in a crowd but he is very happy queuing here.’

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Pentagonal or star-shaped echinoderms. The value ranges from 2 cm to 1m, although the majority - 12-25 cm Many species are brightly colored.

This is a slow-moving animals, having from 5 to 50 rays. From the central flat or slightly convex disc with starfish depart 5 (rare - up to 40) rays, or arms. When shortening the rays of the body shape is close to pentagonal. Hands embody the digestive processes of the outgrowths of the stomach and genitals, inside the arms is the longitudinal number of vertebrae. The skin is equipped with properly arranged skeletal plates, which are armed with thorns, needles, sometimes pedicellariae.

The mouth is located on the oral side of the disc and converted to the substrate. A broad furrow or ambulakr (ambulacral groove) runs radially from the mouth along each ray. Each ambulakr contains two or four rows of small tubular outgrowths - ambulacral feet. Legs are flexible tubular outgrowths, usually with suckers on the end, and driven by the water pressure in the inner channels and ampoules ambulacral system. The edges are protected ambulakrov movable spines that can close its cover (from Lat. Ambulacrum - sheltered pathway). The thin tip of each hand is completed by one or more small tentacular sensory ambulacral feet and a red eye spot.

Gangguan Bekalan Air Sekitar Selangor (List Kawasan)

TEMPOH : 14 Mar 2012 08:00 am Hingga 15 Mar 2012 08:00pm

*SYABAS ingin memaklumkan tempoh masa gangguan bekalan air tersebut dianggarkanselama 36 jam iaitu bermula pada jam 8.00 pagi, 14 Mac 2012 (Rabu)sehingga 8.00 malam, 15 Mac 2012 (Khamis). Senarai kawasan yangterlibat adalah seperti di Lampiran A. Sebagai persediaan, semuapengguna di kawasan tersenarai di lampiran A adalah dinasihatkan untukmenyimpan bekalan air secukupnya bagi menghadapi gangguan tersebut.Walau bagaimanapun, sebahagian kawasan daripada 7 wilayah terlibatkhususnya kawasan rendah berkemungkinan akan terus mendapat bekalan airdalam tempoh tersebut tanpa sebarang gangguan bekalan air keranamendapat sumber daripada loji-loji rawatan yang lain termasuk LRA SSP2,SSP3, Sungai Langat dan Sungai Semenyih serta simpanan dalamkolam-kolam air yang tersedia.

Future UK ATMs may play ads before you get your money

London: It may now take more time for people to get money out of an ATM. Cash machines may now play advertisements before you get your banknotes.

The idea is being trialled in Australia after the US and customers are being warned they may get caught in a cash machine queue for some extra time. If people watch a quick commercial first, the transactions could be made for free, the Daily Mail reported.

American company Free ATMs NYC rolled out the concept last year and millions of users have got "fee-free" withdrawals by watching commercials for up to 30 seconds.

Yahoo sues Facebook over violation of 10 patents

New York: Beleaguered Internet firm Yahoo! has sued social networking major Facebook, alleging violations of as many as ten patents including those related to online advertising and personal privacy.

Marking the escalation of patent disputes in the fast growing social media sector, Yahoo!'s salvo comes at a time when Facebook is preparing for a mammoth initial share sale.

Legal fights over alleged patent infringements are common in the technology space as reflected in the instances involving giants such as Apple, Samsung, HTC, Motorola and Microsoft.

Asserting that the patents relate to "cutting edge innovations", Yahoo! in the lawsuit has even claimed that Facebook's entire social networking model is based on its technology.

Kenali Zodiak Tahi Anda

p/s: So where's your shit? I mean, which one do you identified yours? LULZ.

Pair sit at the head of the queue for Apple's iPad3, FIVE DAYS BEFORE it goes on sale

There are still five days to go before Apple launches the latest version of its hugely-popular iPad in the UK.

But that hasn't stopped two eager customers setting up camp outside the Apple store on London's Regent Street in anticipation of the release.

The two men decided to beat the inevitable queues by heading to the central London store way before the March 16 release date.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pic of the day

10 Cool Accessories for your desk

You'll always have a pencil nearby with this sweet set. Get two for a double rainbow effect.

Add a colorful dash of blocky fun to your desk with this organizer. It comes complete with LEGO crayons, pencils and erasers.

We might try to go paper-free, but the odd bit of papyrus always creeps in. Use this fun "Inbox" to keep your papers tidy.

With graph paper, notebook, lined and square designs, these white boards are a great old school way to make lists, notes and, heck, even play the odd game of tic-tac-toe.
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