Then i went home to get prepared for to see the fellow paraukians at KLCC. Azrina wants to pass the souvenire's that she buy at Langkawi. I made an EXCELLENT prank where i told the guys where i cannot make it to KLCC due to raining and i feel like getting fever. When i show up at the Signature KLCC, Azrina scream when she sees me like she's seeing a ghost or something. HAHA. After get some pasta and a long chit chat with the paraukians, we went out for a "fresh air" outside when my college friend alim (who happens to be there also and i didn't noticed him) try to pretend to snatch my wallet in an attempts to scare me. Damn. I was so shock at that time until i realize he was my friend -.-
Then went back home taking LRT to Kelana Jaya and call my college at Sunway College and another friend lepak-lepak minyum-minyum at Al-Rafi. It was tiring day though but fun. Hari minggu yang aktif katenye.
p/s: Why did you treat me different. Did i do something wrong? I read our old sms conversation. And i miss it dearly. Thank You.
haha..sbg balasan terkejutkn lela, ko kene teow teh o RM3 gelas mini kan? hahahahha
lain macam jeee p/s kat bawah tuu.
fix: tuu laa pasal. gila teh o RM3. mini plak tuu -.-
zatil: jiwang kan? hehe.
perlu ke nak highlight wane merah part prank tu -.- saat2 mengejutkan dan memalukan. kuat gila kot aku jerit! pfft. HAHA.
x ajak!!nk ikut!!!tp x geti naik basikal tp cam best jer.huhu
az: PERLU lah. sebab aku nak pembaca fokus dekat kejadian "ITU". HAHAHA.
yana: memang aku pon ada plan nak ajak korang lepas ni. kita pergi skytrex sekali. cuba google skytrex.
uuwwww nk nk nk jom gi ramai2 tp ahad ni xleh ar sorry ar ramai yg keje kot yana keje gak
jom. nanti kita plan okay. boleh piknik sekali.
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