Alhamdulillah. Dah 24 tahun dah aku sekarang. Rasa macam dah tua. Tapi rasa angka tuu macam kecil lagi. Belum mencicah pertengahan 20-an lagi. Muka pon masih budak-budak ala justin bieber. A lot of things happens this past 24 years. In terms of studying, Alhamdulillah dah habis degree. About work Alhamdulillah juga. Dah dapat pekerjaan yang stabil. Friends also great. Got to do so many things with them like travelling, makan-ing, minyum-ing. We do a bunch of things together. Love? Hmm. Not so lucky i guess. The time still not come i think. Maybe this year. Or maybe the next one. Hey. Who knows. The most important thing is i need to be grateful for what i have right now. I think i achieved a lot maybe not great but good enough. Well. I guess better than didn't achieve nothing right lads? There's more to life to be discovered. Dont lose hope. Hey ho ! Lets go !

Alhamdulillah. Its been 24 years since i've been in this world. For the family, friends and people that makes what i am today, through the happy and hard times, we lived, we lough, we cry, we prevails. Through ups and downs. Thank you is not enough. May Allah bless u and i wish the best for you guys too. Terima Kasih ! :)
hahaha..nice burfday post,acid!;)
it's okay brother..xyah rushing2 sgt..walaupun sy tak layak sgt nk ckp pasal benda2 ni but u know what,i solemnly believe in His promise,'wanita yang baik untuk lelaki yang baik,dan begitu jugak sebaliknya.'
so skrg,what u (me also)can do is berusaha sebaik mungkin utk menjadi pemuda yang Soleh.InsyaAllah..cpt atau lmbt u'll find your Solehah Juliet!
*sorry membebel!-sayyidah ;p
hahaha mcm kenal gambar itu.
sayyidah: wow. nice advice u got there! thank you sayyidah! yeah. i guess so. jodoh dekat tangan Allah. kita tak tau kan. hanya DIA yg tau siapa yg terbaik utk kita :)
btw. mcm mana boleh komen sekali dgn brader bawah ini. hahahahaha!
futty: heyyoh! sorry brother bob! pic ini mempunyai quote yg sgt setailo. gua suka. gua amek dr page lu. hahahaha.
well,mmg kami dah rancang sebenarnya..kui3..;p
tula,sy pon persan gak pic tu!*teettt! ;)
well,mmg kami dah rancang tak perlulah nk heran sgt acid..HAHAHA..;p
amboi3. bahaya nih. plan secara freemason. secara halus. hahahaha.
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